CCA and SDG&E Rate Comparisons

Together with your CCA, we provide a Joint Rate Comparison of typical electric rates, average monthly charges and power sources. 

419.14 KB
SDG&E/SDCP Joint Rate Comparison
SDG&E/SDCP Joint Rate Comparison
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SDG&E/CEA Joint Rate Comparison
SDG&E/CEA Joint Rate Comparison

Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA)

The Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) is paid by all customers in SDG&E’s service territory, including CCA customers, to recover the cost of legacy power contracts.  

When utilities purchase electricity, they do so in long-term contracts meant to secure enough energy to service the number of customers they have, per state requirements. When customers move to CCAs, the goal is to ensure that those departing customers do not burden remaining utility customers with costs that were paid to procure energy to serve them.  To prevent cost shifting from one group of customers to another, both CCA customers and SDG&E customers alike are required to pay PCIA.